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Creator Spotlight - Margot Potter

Creator Spotlight - Margot Potter

Meet the retrofabulous creator, Margot Potter!  She has appeared on national TV, written several books and blogged under several different monikers over the years. Margot currently does Mornings with Madge and is a welcome addition to our creator program.  

What is the name of your blog?

I create daily #morningswithmadge videos on my page Margot Potter on Facebook, share feature videos on Facebook and YouTube as Margot Potter, and write essays on my website Margot Potter.
Why did you choose that name?

I have blogged under a wide array of monikers over the years including The Impatient Crafter™, DIY Doyenne, Cocktails/Cupcakes/Crafts, Mornings with Madge, These ARE Your Grandmother’s Crafts, I Can Make Metal Stamped Jewelry… I decided that it was easier for me and for other folks to find me if I just used my name. So, I’m Margot Potter all over the internet, and I give little sub-names/titles to the various things I do.
What inspired you start blogging/video?

I started blogging and making videos many years ago. I have a degree in theater and years of live, unscripted on camera experience. I’ve written 7 books on jewelry making and design and created instructional written and video content for a roster of DIY clients. It was a logical extension to add blogging and video into the mix.
How do you describe your style?

Eclectifunky or retrofabulous!
What has been your biggest blogging/video achievement?

I can’t say there’s one single moment that stands out as much as the ongoing connections I’ve made with creative people who are willing to stick with me as I continue to evolve and expand! I’ve traveled the world sharing my love of DIY, appeared on national and local TV, worked with amazing companies…it’s been a wild ride!
Who has been the biggest influence on your crafting?

It’s hard to pick one person, because I’m endlessly inspired by so many people. Growing up with a fine artist for a mother was a huge influence, because creativity was encouraged.
What is your favorite color?

If I must pick just one, chartreuse…but I’m also fond of periwinkle, thistle, turquoise, vivid orange, teal…I LOVE COLOR!
What is your catchphrase?

When all else fails, add glitter.
If you could craft with anyone past or present who would you craft with and why?

One of my greatest regrets is never asking my grandmother to teach me how to sew while she was still alive. She was a master seamstress and I spent many weekends at her house. I loved digging through her bins of buttons and notions and watching her create beautiful handcrafted clothing. Sewing was her quiet time, and I guess I felt like asking her to stop and teach me would have been intrusive.
What is your favorite downtime activity?

Thrift shopping, snuggling with my dogs and watching baking shows, and baking.  To me, baking is crafting with icing and sprinkles!
  • Beach or mountains? Beach me, baby.
  • Mod Podge Gloss or Matte? Depends, but likely gloss.
  • Movie Theater or Streaming? Movie theater if they have movie wine, streaming when I want to snuggle the dogs.
  • Cats or Dogs? Dogs, as I am terribly allergic to cats.
  • Cake or Pie? Must I choose? Cake if it’s darn good cake, pie if it’s homemade and there’s ice cream involved.
  • Decoupage or Stitching? These are impossible choices. Stitching while streaming and snuggling the dogs, decoupage when I’m feeling ambitious.  
  • Pancake or Waffle? Pancake beats waffle by a wafer thin margin.
Posted: 5/14/2019 8:29:13 AM by | with 0 comments

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