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Creator Spotlight - Laura

Creator Spotlight - Laura's Crafty Life


This week we profile Laura's Crafty Life. Her focus on her blog is to inspire you to craft a creative and well-lived life. She creates simple craft projects and themed party ideas. She also shares organizing tips and tricks, plus her adventures in renovating a home.

What is the name of your blog? 
Laura's Crafty Life 

Why did you choose that name? 
My name is Laura and I have been creating and making things my entire life. When I was a little girl I would watch the quilting shows on TV and make mini quilts for my Barbies. As an adult, before I even started blogging, I was always making things for my home, baking, scrapbooking, and trying out all sorts new of craft techniques. When it came time to pick a name for my blog, Laura's Crafty Life seemed fitting! 

What inspired you to start blogging/video? 
I originally started a personal blog in 2011. I was a stay at home mom sharing stories and pictures about the kids. Over time I started sharing more of the craft projects I was working on. In fact, I was sharing more projects than actual photos of my kids! Craft blogging started out as a hobby and morphed into a wonderful way for me to work from home. 

How do you describe your style? 
If rainbows are a style, that is definitely me! I love color and I love to organize things in rainbow order. My favorite thing to create is simple craft projects that anyone can make. My current decor style is a rustic farmhouse. 

What has been your biggest blogging/video achievement?  
My biggest blogging achievement has been working with brands I love. It is a dream come true to get to work with so many wonderful companies.

Who has been the biggest influence on your crafting? 
My mom. She was a creative person and a talented seamstress. Before we bought the house I lived in as a little girl, she was building a beautiful dollhouse. Once my parents built their home, she had a life-sized dollhouse to decorate and create things for! She passed away when I was only 8 years old, however, she has always been my biggest inspiration. 

What is your favorite color? 

What is your catchphrase? 
Craft a creative and well-lived life.

If you could craft with anyone past or present who would you craft with and why? 
Definitely my mom. I was able to do a little crafting with her when I was young, but since she passed away when I was so young myself, I never got to craft with her as an adult. 

What is your favorite downtime activity? 
When I am not crafting, I love to read and garden. 

  • Beach or mountains? Mountains
  • Mod Podge Gloss or Matte? Gloss
  • Movie Theater or Streaming? Movie Theater
  • Cats or Dogs? Cats
  • Cake or Pie? Cake
  • Decoupage or Stitching? Stitching
  • Pancake or Waffle? Pancake
Posted: 5/21/2019 7:25:25 AM by | with 0 comments

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