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Creator Spotlight - Artsy Fartsy Mama

Creator Spotlight - Artsy Fartsy Mama


Lindsay is the Artsy-Fartsy Mama! She is also a homeschooling mama, graphic designer, and an avid glitter enthusiast! At her site, Artsy-Fartsy Mama, you'll find a little bit of everything: crafts (even ones for the kids), FREE printables and SVG cut files, easy recipes, travel tips, sewing tutorials, and more!

What is the name of your blog? 
 Artsy-Fartsy Mama

Why did you choose that name? 
I've been into "artsy-fartsy" hobbies my entire life, and I started my blog as a new mama. It also doesn't hurt that Artsy-Fartsy is such a funny and memorable phrase!

What inspired you start blogging/video?
I was a brand new play-at-home mama, and had my own business designing wedding and birthday invitations. As a creative outlet and to save us money, I made a lot of our own home decor and designed homeschool printables for fun. I was always inspired by other creative blogs, so I decided to start my own to share my tutorials and printables.

How do you describe your style? 
Fun and quirky with a whole lot of sparkle! I love making projects that anyone of any skill level can do!

What has been your biggest blogging/video achievement? 
I think when my blog finally went from a hobby to making it a full-time living has been the greatest achievement. However, any time I get approached by a brand who wants to work together still amazes me.

Who has been the biggest influence on your crafting? 
I would have to say my husband and daughter. My husband, because he is always been there to support me in this crazy adventure! My daughter, because she is always wanting to learn something new, and it's fun to do come up with projects for us to do together.

What is your favorite color? 
teal and anything glittered!

What is your catchphrase? 
"Inspiring a Creative Life" because I like to think life is more fun when you get creative

If you could craft with anyone past or present who would you craft with and why?
I would love to paint with Bob Ross! I've always admired him and how he inspires everyone to express themselves through art, even if they aren't good at it.

What is your favorite downtime activity? 
I love to relax with a cold Mountain Dew and binge-watch episodes of The Office!

  • Beach or mountains? Beach
  • Mod Podge Gloss or Matte? Gloss
  • Movie Theater or Streaming? Streaming (with theater popcorn)
  • Cats or Dogs? Dogs
  • Cake or Pie? Cake with extra frosting, please!
  • Decoupage or Stitching? Decoupage
  • Pancake or Waffle? Waffles for life!

Check out Lindsay's Blog -
Posted: 6/4/2019 7:20:27 AM by | with 0 comments

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