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Transform a Wooden Tray with Stencil1

Transform a Wooden Tray with Stencil1

We love the way our Star pattern stencil looks on wood. It makes a great background because it is so textural! 

For this how-to you’ll need: A wooden frame, Stencil1 Star pattern stencil, painter’s tape, low-tack adhesive, Folk-Art Multi-Surface paint, and stencil brushes.

Step 1: Cover the edge of your frame with tape, this way you don’t accidentally get paint on it. 

Step 2: Use the low-tack adhesive to make the back of your stencil sticky. This was especially helpful to us when stenciling because the stencil was a little bigger than our frame. Making it sticky made it easier to hold the stencil down. 

Step 3: Use a stencil brush and multi-surface paint to start stenciling. Use an up-and-down motion and a dry brush technique to stencil. This means using a small amount of paint and applying more layers. We chose a light color because we wanted a subtle design. But a bright color would also look great!

Step 4: Lift the stencil and allow the paint to dry. Once the paint is dry to touch, continue stenciling the rest of the frame. We could not use the registration marks because they didn’t fit within our frame so we used the painted pattern as guidelines. 

Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the frame is completely stenciled. 

Step 6: Remove the masking tape. We used our wooden frame as a tray, how will you use yours? Take a picture and share it with us @Stencil1.
Posted: 6/14/2014 8:06:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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