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Learning to Paint on July 4th with Priscilla Hauser - How Fun!!

Learning to Paint on July 4th with Priscilla Hauser - How Fun!!

How did your kids spend their Fourth of July? 

Perhaps they attended a neighborhood barbeque, went swimming and watched fireworks?

Well, if they were lucky enough to have spent time at the Florida panhandle beaches, they may have enjoyed an afternoon learning to paint with Priscilla Hauser!  Yes, that is how Priscilla with the help of a few of her family members, spent her Fourth of July!   

Priscilla Hauser, "The First Lady of Decorative Painting," knows that our future rests in the hands of our children and she always LOVES to share her time, talent, enthusiasm and knowledge of decorative painting.

Annually on July 4, she graciously gives of her time to teach a painting class to all the children (and a few adults) who vacation at her condo complex on the Florida beach!  This year, Priscilla's class held approximately 30 young children and few young at heart parents and grandparents!

Priscilla can often be found "in her glory" teaching, singing and sharing enthusiastically as you can see in the photo above!

This year, Plaid was so happy to share in Priscilla's fun and provided the paint to be used for this event.  Look around at the students work, as they learned to paint ... each one creating a beach scene, or a summer day with trees and flowers or patriotic themes. 

And look at the smile on Priscilla's face showing off the works of her student's painted clothespins!  I could use a few myself to contain my notes, or clip my chip bags!

Can't you just see the creativity flowing in these little hands? 

And the smiles on their faces, tell it all!  Priscilla, you are amazing to share your talents and inspire our next generations!

From these photos, I cannot tell ...

can you ...

who had more fun, was it Priscilla who taught and shared her love of decorative painting?

Or was it the children and their parents in attendance?

Maybe next year, I'll have to schedule my Fourth of July at the beach, just to be able to attend this fun filled class with Priscilla! 

Want to join me?

Posted: 7/7/2015 9:07:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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