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Stenciled Serving Tray for Your Oscar Party

Stenciled Serving Tray for Your Oscar Party

Having your friends over for a drink to watch the Oscars on Sunday, March 2?  Make all your guests feel like a star by serving their drinks on this fabulous tray we made using our star stencil!

Create This Stenciled Serving Tray

You’ll need a wooden tray, multi-surface paint, stencils and stencil brushes.

Step 1: Make sure that the tray you are using is not coated. If it is, just sand it down a bit before painting.  Start by roughly deciding where you want to stencil the tray. We decided to do several stars, evenly spread out.

Step 2: Place down the stencil and begin to paint it. You can secure the stencil onto the wood with tape or simply hold it down with your hand. When painting, use a dry-brush technique. This means you are using very little paint and applying several layers. 

Step 3: Finish stenciling the rest of your tray. If you need to overlap a painted star to stencil a different part of the tray, make sure the paint is completely dry to avoid smudges.

Step 4: When you are done stenciling allow the paint dry. You can use a blow dryer to speed this up.

Lastly, make your drinks and assemble them on your new tray! Don’t forget to share your pictures with us @EdStencil1!

Posted: 2/8/2014 3:34:00 PM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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