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Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Temperatures dropping and flurries falling - we used snow as inspiration for these three projects! In hues of blue and white, let the beauty of snowflakes shine on your tree, tabletop or mantle. We can't wait to let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! 

Use Mod Podge and FolkArt to create an orb of wonder out of a basic glass ornament! See the simple technique you can use to make our Snowflake Ornament

Let your scissors do the walking to craft these flurries out of coffee filters! Use these Snowflake Frames to bring a bit of frost indoors for the holiday season. 

Much more festive than any genie in a bottle is our pretty take on a Blizzard in a Bottle! Upcycle any glass bottle into a pretty flurry-inspired centerpiece. 

Posted: 12/12/2014 8:12:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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