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Eight Crafts to Show Your Thankfulness

Eight Crafts to Show Your Thankfulness

This time of year can be a little hectic when trying to get everyone together for the holidays. Despite all the chaos, we always seem to stop and reflect on the things we are thankful for. Like most families across the country, people gather at one house for a festive feast that leaves one in a food coma for days. While some may find the holiday stressful and chaotic, we are here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. Creating a Thanksgiving environment that is personal and unique can be fun and relaxing even!

This day of thankfulness and feasting deserves some fun crafts for your family to do together for turkey day. We have gathered eight family-friendly crafts that you can use to decorate ahead of time or make together the day of.
Craft this thankful banner out of your favorite fall fabric to create a simple yet inexpensive to décor piece.

Give your silverware and napkins a stylish place to sit on the table with this simple thankful tin.

Make a harvest chalkboard sign for everyone to write what they are thankful for. Reuse year after year!

Upgrade an old window and use as a backdrop to your décor. Use stencils to paint designs on the glass as an extra touch of personalization.

Create a custom Thanksgiving collage with a canvas and your imagination!

Display your family photos in a new fresh way. Forget picture frames, turn burlap into a way to display your favorite family photos. The frame itself is a work of art!

If you are looking for a more interactive Thanksgiving this year consider getting your family a fun cross stitch activity to do while watching the big game.
 Happy Crafting!

Download our Give Thanks cross stitch pattern for another way to add to your thankful decor!
Posted: 11/4/2019 8:20:14 AM by | with 0 comments

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