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10 Easy July 4th Crafts

10 Easy July 4th Crafts

July 4th is one of the most exciting holidays of the year. With the summertime breeze, the smell of a barbeque, and the sound of fireworks bursting it in the air, what could make this patriotic holiday better? Crafting! While you may be rethinking the size of your party this year or just having a small family celebration at home, there is no better time to get your family involved in preparing for our nation’s birthday!

Here are 10 crafts to make your 4th of July a blast!

Click on the tag in the bottom left-hand corner of each photo to check out our supply list and instructions.

Use Gallery Glass to decorate your vases and tea-light holders for the holiday. Then easily peel it off to decorate for the next season.

Give your table a poppin’ centerpiece with this cute and easy patriotic top hat.

Add your favorite patriotic phrases to your outdoor pillows with this easy DIY.

Paint your wooden utensils with red, white, and blue for a cohesive look to your table décor.


Then paint mason jars or milk bottles red, white, and blue to hold the plastic utensils on your picnic table.


Make your potted plants a part of the patriotic décor with a simple coat of FolkArt Color Shift.


Another quick and easy centerpiece you can make yourself, uses a simple bucket, a hand full of flags, and your favorite FolkArt acrylic paints.

Take an old pallet and transform it into a grand old flag to decorate your home for the 4th!

Paint a plain tote bag with the colors of the nation by following these easy-to-follow instructions.

Decorate your food displays with red, white, and blue for a unique touch to your table.

Bonus Craft!

Decorate a collection of jars with the colors of our flag for a simple and rustic July 4th craft. 

What are your favorite things to do on July 4th?  What are you crafting for July 4th this year?

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Happy Crafting!
Posted: 6/9/2020 7:24:36 AM by | with 0 comments

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