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Everything You Need to Know About Acrylic Pouring

Everything You Need to Know About Acrylic Pouring

Plaid's craft design team has long been highlighting the craft pouring trend, but since we first started exploring the fluid arts, Apple Barrel has introduced their pouring medium which makes achieving the perfect pour so much easier! It's very easy to use and if you're new to this particular trend, it is ideal for the beginner maker of crafter in you. 

You're probably asking, but what is acrylic paint pouring and what is a pouring medium?

Acrylic paint pouring is a technique in which a variety of paints that are mixed or diluted with a medium and then poured onto a surface of your choice. The surface can be tilted back and forth to create a mesmerizing layered effect of the paints creating one of a kind artwork every time.

A pouring medium allows you to turn any acrylic paint into pourable paint for fluid art projects. Adding this medium to paint helps keep the various paints from totally mixing into each other and allows them to flow easily across your surfaces

Here's how we achieved our most recent paint pouring project:

Here are the supplies we used:

Pro tip: Although any acrylic paint is great for pouring, Apple Barrel paints are very affordable and highly pigmented so it's an excellent acrylic paint option for your pouring projects, using as little or as much as you like. We also love the pouring technique because it's so easy that the kids can get involved with this project too!

While there are a few different approaches to achieve the perfect pour, here are a few basic things to remember:
  • The consistency of acrylic paints across brands can differ, but a general rule of thumb is a 1:1 paint and pouring medium mix
Take the time to choose your colors before getting started then pour your paints into reusable or paper cups. You'll be glad you have them at the ready once you begin instead of mixing as you go. After pouring,  rotate your canvas to ensure that the paint has covered the entire surface. You can go back and add additional paint to an area that needs more attention, however you will get best results if you do not overwork - knowing when to stop is key!
  • Before starting this project, you'll want to first prep your paint (get them mixed as mentioned above) and ensure your surface is clean and dry.
Make sure your work area is cleared because this can get a bit messy! Lay a cloth, tarp or use a very large container to catch any spills or splashes. If you are using a canvas as your surface, you can stick thumbtacks on the back to keep it raised allowing the sides to be fully coated and drip to the sides easily. 
  • One of the reasons we love this project is you can pour on almost any surface imaginable.
In this video, we used a canvas, but feel free to explore flatware, drink ware, wooden surfaces, and more. Once the entire surface is covered (including the sides of the canvas) lay your surface to dry overnight, at least. You may need more drying time depending on the thickness of the pour. 
  • Go ahead, embellish a little!
While your paint is still wet, feel free to add a few finishing touches to your swirly masterpiece. We love adding glitter or gold foil, but this is where you can get creative. Once dry, don't forget to frame your canvas or wooden surface to give it the prominence it deserves. You can even tape off areas you don't want paint for a cool, negative space effect.
  • Stir, do not shake pouring medium - shaking will produce unwanted bubbles in your artwork. 

Happy Crafting!
Posted: 8/27/2019 11:20:05 AM by | with 0 comments

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