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Sale Ends 5/11/24

Easy DIY Summer Placemat

Easy DIY Summer Placemat

Everyone always says that homemade gifts are the best kind - surprise someone with this beautiful placemat that looks fantastic as part of a centerpiece. 

This is what you’ll need: Stencil1 Mum stencil, FolkArt Multi-Surface Paint, stencil brushes and a placemat. 

Step 1: We loved the color of this placemat so we chose a color palette that would accentuate it. Start by placing the mum stencil on the center of the placemat. 
Step 2: Use a stencil brush to begin stenciling the placemat. Remember to use a dry-brush technique. This means using very little paint and applying several layers. 
Step 3: Lift the stencil carefully and allow the paint to dry.
Step 4: Continue stenciling the rest of the placemat but only fill in the stencil partly. We layered the stencil by overlapping it slightly at the bottom and we used a different color each time. 
Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you finish stenciling the placemat. Allow the paint to dry and send us a picture of what yours looks like @Stencil1.

Posted: 5/24/2014 7:05:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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