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Your Guide to All 17 Varieties of Mod Podge

Your Guide to All 17 Varieties of Mod Podge

Mod Podge, the multi-use tool for all kinds of crafting. No matter what your level of crafting is, an all-the-time DIY-er or even just a back-in-school-I-made-that-project-once, you've definitely used it before. But did you know there are 17 DIFFERENT TYPES of Mod Podge all specially crafted for different types and varieties of crafts? That's right! There. Are. 
But with so many types and varieties to pick from, how can you know what the best option is for your next craft project? Well, you're in luck! Cathie and Steve bring to you their quick beginners guide to all of the uses for the different Mod Podge formulas in their latest episode of "Make It With Mod Podge." Check out their latest video below!
Posted: 3/7/2016 1:03:00 PM by LEAP | with 2 comments
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Hi. I am a jewelry maker. I have a necklace I'm making that has a large rubberized focal bead. I used a wasabi tape flower to cover a scratch on one side, and want to cover it with mod podge so the tape won't come off. Is there a variety you can recommend that will have a slightly rubberized finish?
9/18/2017 11:09:57 PM

Amanda Farris
I made some blocks for the holidays using wood that had been stained, paper and Mod Podge Gloss. The blocks sat out for days to dry but when they are stacked they stick and have ripped some of the paper. Is there another formula Mod Podge I should be using?
5/17/2017 5:01:12 PM

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