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Create These Quick & Easy DIY Coasters

Create These Quick & Easy DIY Coasters

Want to spruce up your coffee table? Check out these DIY coasters that Ed Roth of Stencil1 created. They are so simple you can make a set for you to keep and a set to give. What a cute housewarming or hostess gift. Cheers!

Step 1: Use a ruler and a pencil to draw a grid on your cork board. We used a 12 by 12 board and divided it into three 4 by 4 squares. 

Step 2: With a craft knife, cut the board so that you have equal squares. It is a littler easier to cut the board by running your blade through the same spot a few times rather then trying to force your blade completely through the cork at once. 


Step 3: Place your stencil on the square. Use one hand to hold down the stencil and, using a brush, begin to paint with your FolkArt Multi-Surface paint into the stencil. Stenciling is a dry brush technique, so use very little paint and apply several coats. 

Step 4: Remove the stencil and allow the paint to fully dry. To save time, stencil all your coasters with the first color. This way when you're done with the last coaster, the first coaster will be ready for the second color. 

Step 5: Place the stencil over the coaster in the same position you placed it for step 3. With a very small stencil brush and very little paint, fill multiple little triangles. This will give the pattern a lot of movement and will make your design even more fun and dynamic. We decided to give the coasters a pop of turquoise because it's one of the accent colors in our living room. 

Have fun choosing a color palette that will complement your space. FolkArt Multi-Surface Paint has so many great hues to pick from. 

Posted: 2/1/2014 1:50:00 PM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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