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Love Stenciled Wall Decor

Love Stenciled Wall Decor

We're thrilled to introduce a very special guest blogger Rita Barakat! Read on as she creates cute stenciled wall decor perfect to decorate or gift. Thank you, Rita, for sharing your talents with us! 

Hi crafters, Rita Barakat here today and I have this fun project for you. Have you seen all the beautiful colors and paints for FolkArt and Martha Stewart Crafts? So many to choose from I had to combine them for this project today!

I started with FolkArt Home Decor Chalk paint on a sheet of 5x7 corkboard. After it was dry I added a second coat.

For the frame I primed it with a coat of gesso first (it was a black frame).

I started painting with Martha Stewart Satin paint in Poodle skirt and a thin paintbrush.

The second color was Yellow Jacket.

Both ends were trimmed in Camellia Pink.

I was so excited to try the adhesive Silkscreens from Martha Stewart Crafts! I cut the part out I wanted to use.

I poured a little paint and used a squeegee to spread the color from the bottom towards the middle; then from the top to the middle so it blends in the middle. You don't need a lot of paint for this technique.

Don't be afraid to add a little more color if you see it's not blending or reaching each other.

Slowly pull back the silkscreen while it's still wet and if you need to touch up grab a small paint brush. Put it in your frame. So fun!!! I hope you will try this! I think I need more adhesive silkscreens!

Rita Barakat Mixed Media Artist, Illustrator and Designer & Educator. From wall murals to itty bitty minis you can find her work in various hospitals, corporations, family homes, manufacture websites and magazines. She designs for the Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft® team, DCWV, The Crafters Workshop and freelances for a variety of manufacturers. Find more of her work at

Posted: 6/28/2014 8:00:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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