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Celebrating Mod Podge Month!

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Sale Ends 5/11/24

How do I apply paper napkins to surfaces?

  1. Cut the design out of the Napkin and separate the layers.; you want to use only the top layer of the Napkin.

  2. Using the Glue Brush, apply a coat of Mod Podge® Gloss, Matte or Sparkle Finish to the surface area where the Napkin will be applied. Let dry slightly – until it’s slightly sticky – then place the Napkin on the surface and press it down gently with your fingertips. The Napkin should not become wet. (If it does, you applied too much Mod Podge; apply a lighter coat next time.) Let dry.

  3. To finish, apply a second coat of Mod Podge® and apply it beginning in the middle and gently brushing out to the edges.

  4. Alternately, you may apply Mod Podge® to the area and let it dry completely (to speed up drying, you may use a hairdryer set on low). Then place the Napkin onto the surface in the desired position. Cover the Napkin with a piece of parchment paper and iron (on the cotton setting) to adhere the Napkin to the surface. Allow the parchment paper to cool and then remove. The Mod Podge® will melt and adhere the image to the surface. The advantage of this technique is that you can move the image until you iron it down. Also, the Napkin will not tear or show bubbles, and it will be completely flat like the surface it is on. Again, finish with a coat of Mod Podge® on top.

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